J'ai recherché des blogs sur la simplicité volontaire écrits en anglais.
Tout d'abord une citation:
"According to Duane Elgin, “we can describe voluntary simplicity as a manner of living that is outwardly more simple and inwardly more rich, a way of being in which our most authentic and alive self is brought into direct and conscious contact with living. “
Voici les trois que je choisis, pour leur contenu et leur design et leurs photographies :
1) Advendures in Voluntary Simplicity
Follow along as a former highly-paid lawyer gives up a life of material comfort and unencumbered excess, and embraces the beauty and freedom of simple happiness
2) Welcome to volontary simplicity - experiments in freedom
3) Choosing volontary simplicity about finding balance in your life connecting with who you are and creating a lifestyle where you make up each morning eagerly anticipating the day ahead.
and No
Lily-Chan, my views on volontary simplicity - Would you pratice volontary simlicity ? No,...